Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Do we ever outgrow it?

That feeling of security that having Mommy & Daddy close by brings,  Do we ever get too old to feel it?

My parents have come to visit from Kentucky.  They arrived at 3am this morning and I felt myself relax when they walked in the door, so much so, I turned my alarm off in my sleep and Preston was late for school *eek*  Oh well...was some peaceful sleep!

Since they have arrived we have drank 2 pots of coffee, talked in depth about some of the issues/decisions that Steve and I are facing regarding the selling of our home, they have picked Preston up from school and my Dad has even had my tire fixed on my car....lol 

I cant begin to explain how it feels to be able to look at their faces while discussing and sharing some of our hardest trials in our life and see their calm assurance, support & even respect for the way we are handling things.  It brings such peace to me..... I am thankful!!!

Mom and Dad, I love you!!!!!!

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